2007 Aug 24 8:18 AM
After running a BDC program in background, next day morning when you see the results, few records are not updated (error records). What will you do then?
how we do this if it is session and call transaction ?
2007 Aug 24 8:29 AM
Incase of Session method:
Process the Session Again in Errors only mode or Foreground mode.
It will process those transactions with errors only.
Correct those errors.
Incase of Call transaction method using the BDCMSGCOLL you can find out the Error transactions and store all the Error transactions into a Session.
Then in SM35 process this session in Errors only mode or Foreground mode.
Reward points if Helpful</b>
2007 Aug 24 3:28 PM
if session is being used
automatically the log will begenereated in the sm35 transaction
but if call transaction is used
put all the error messages in the applicationserver using
open data set
and after the exectionof the program in the background
you have to run another progam which reads the data stroed inthe application server
that also with open data set only...