2006 Jun 08 3:28 PM
Hi All,
What is mean by 'L' mode (local mode) in BDC call transaction. Does it update the Data base.
2006 Jun 08 3:31 PM
Local update. Updates of the called program are executed in such a way as if the SET UPDATE TASK LOCAL statement had been executed in it.
SET UPDATE TASK LOCAL statement works as follows:
This statement specifies that the high-priority update function modules - registered during the current SAP LUW using CALL FUNCTION ... IN UPDATE TASK - are registered in the ABAP memory instead of the VBLOG database table. In addition, it specifies that the current work process and not the update work process run these modules during the current database LUW, when the COMMIT WORK statement is executed. This statement has no effect on low-priority update function modules.
At the beginning of every SAP LUW, the local update function is deactivated. If you wish to use it, you must reactivate it again before the first update function module is registered.
This is an excerpt from sap documentation.
2006 Jun 08 3:31 PM
Local update. Updates of the called program are executed in such a way as if the SET UPDATE TASK LOCAL statement had been executed in it.
SET UPDATE TASK LOCAL statement works as follows:
This statement specifies that the high-priority update function modules - registered during the current SAP LUW using CALL FUNCTION ... IN UPDATE TASK - are registered in the ABAP memory instead of the VBLOG database table. In addition, it specifies that the current work process and not the update work process run these modules during the current database LUW, when the COMMIT WORK statement is executed. This statement has no effect on low-priority update function modules.
At the beginning of every SAP LUW, the local update function is deactivated. If you wish to use it, you must reactivate it again before the first update function module is registered.
This is an excerpt from sap documentation.
2006 Jun 08 3:33 PM
HII Saurabh,
In the local mode of updation, the updation program is run by the same work process that processed the request.
An advantage of this mode of update would be when you want to reduce the amount of access to the database.
The disadvantage is their parallel nature, where the updates can be processed by many different work processes, unlike asynchronous or synchronous update, where the update is serialized.
<b>Local update</b> is used when you want to limit the database access.
Updation is done by the same workprocess processing the update request. It resembles synchrounous updates in that the dialog user has to wait for the update to finish before entering further data.
<b>However multiple updates can occur, since one update is independent of other updates. This is the main reason why local updates are not prefferred.</b>
ABAP statement SET UPDATE TASK LOCAL sets a "local update switch". When it is set, the system interprets CALL FUNCTION IN UPDATE TASK as a request for local update. The update is processed in the same work process as the dialog step containing the COMMIT WORK. The transaction waits for the update to finish before continuing.
check this links for more info..
2006 Jun 08 3:33 PM
ya it updates the database
but now a days no one is using L mode
2006 Jun 08 3:41 PM
HI guys,
Thanks for knowledge sharing.
My requirement is:
I am running the report pgm in test mode and update mode.(radio buttons are provided for selection) if i run in update mode I m calling BDC which updates the DB. Inthis mode I can capture the run time errors thrown during DB update (thrown by BDC).
If I run it in test mode I can not call BDC. In this case how can I capture those errors, any pointers on this?
2006 Jun 08 3:44 PM
call transaction <TCODE> using it_bdcdata options from it_ctuparams messages into i_return.
loop at i_return.
ID = i_return-id
LANG = sy-langu
NO = i_return-number
V1 = i_return-MESSAGE_V1
V2 = i_return-MESSAGE_V2
V3 = i_return-MESSAGE_V3
V4 = i_return-MESSAGE_V4
MSG = l_message
check sy-subrc = 0.
write: / l_message.
YOu can use the function module 'FORMAT_MESSAGE' FOR THIS PURPOSE.
2006 Jun 08 3:45 PM
in the second case you have to imitate the standard transaction how it is throwing errors..
2011 Jul 28 10:13 AM