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Resolved! How to Update prices in VA01

Hi! We are having the following problem, and do not know how to solve it. When I created an order(request / PO) using VA01, we need validate/check the MANUAL PRICE charged in the lapel of CONDITIONS ( This one must not overcome +/-% charged in a Z ta...

Resolved! calculate the time difference.

Hi,I have to develop a report which should provide the PO list which has been created in the last 30 min.I can take the current time from SY-UZEIT.Can anybody help me if there any FM for this to find the PO list which has been created in the last 30m...

change pointers

Hi,I created a change pointers for HR master data... i am able to send the data to all infotypes when creating a employee except custom subtype of the infotype 0105 ( communication )using Message type HRMD_A.

Resolved! SM30 Table maintenance

Hi, Is there a way I can add custom authorization check on data being displayed by SM30. My requirement is that user should be able to see all data in display mode. But should be able to change only selected data in maintain mode based on Z authorit...

module exit at exit-command

Hi all, While I am using MODULE EXIT AT EXIT-COMMANDits not working properly in module pool in PAI for the main screen.code tht i m using for it is as follows.DATA : l_ans TYPE c.CLEAR ok_code.*ok_code = sy-ucomm. CASE ok_code. WHEN 'BACK' OR '...

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