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table control

Hai..I have created a table control with three fields in module pool , based on the user command..i want to display two fields as editable & the remaining fields as non-editable. How to do it ?eg : if sy-ucomm = 'x', i want to dispaly first & third ...

Resolved! text display in last page

Hi all,I have made a script for T.C me23n.My requirement is to print terms and conditons page in seperate page.(i.e last page)I made to display it seperately. But i am getting problem with footer window.In footer window kept condition.if &...

badi enhancement

Hi,my question is that when i 'm using 4.7e and ECC5.0 versions while using BADI'S the transaction codes like SE18 the steps r like this to get the definition name SE18 -> DEF NAME (click F4) -> Package name (as VS for customer) -> enter -> then we g...

Background job for CM01

Hi All,We need to be able to run CM01 Transaction in background and output the list to a text file instead of showing on the screen. The approach we took was made copies of CM01,CM0X, SAPMC65A etc and linked them appropriately. But when trying to exe...

Resolved! Debug SRM & Smartform

Hi I am using web based SRM.From here i am using an Contract that has to output a smartform.There is something wrong with my smartform and i would like to debug it.Could you please tell me how to do that?thanks a lot.

get access to tables /BI0/P*

Hi @ll,in an existing update rule in BW (NW 3.5) I get data from /BI0/PCUSTOMER directly by this: select single G_CWWCI2 from /BI0/PCUSTOMER into wa_customer-G_CWWCI2Now I have a new transfer-process similar to the existing. Therefore I use transform...

Daniel_L by Participant
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