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Resolved! Error in uploading data

Hi Experts,While im using BAPI_CUSTOMER_CREATEFROMDATA1 for XD01. It is throwing error account group is not defined.In BAPI_CUSTOMER_CREATEFROMDATA1, structures used for import r export r tables, i didnt find any account group field.But there s field...

Runtime error ..

Hi,I am getting below Runtime Error in my report . Legal range exceeded for DO...VARYING or WHILE...VARYOne of the statements DO ... VARYING ... or WHILE ... VARY ... attempted to access data outside of the legal range. The legal range wasspecified e...

BAPI / IDOCS Forecasting

Hi Folks, I have a requirement of doing a regular forecating basing on some material, but the requirement is it has to be done in an programatic manner using some ABAP technic say using BAPI or IDocs . Can anyone suggest a BAPI name or a IDoc whic...

Dunning Level Not updating

Hi Experts.The following code has been used to update dunning level and dunning procedure. Its updating FKKMAKO and FKKMAZE tables.But when i view the account display using FPL9 Tcode, the layout only showing dunning procedute not the dunning level.C...

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