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Badi implementation

H i experts,i am new to badi please clarify my quesations 1Q . can badi have multiple implementation classes 2Q . how to call method of particular implementation ( can we pass implemeatationclass name here)thank you,santosh

Resolved! select command on dfkkop

Hi Forum,I've just started learning ABAP and thankfull for any help.When do a selection over the DFKKOP Table by using one of its Indizes (AUGST, VKONT, BUKRS and AUGDT) it still takes 2 Minutes to get results when testing in a real-data-environment....


I am using ENQUEUE_EPPRELE to lock all infotype records in 2001 and it returds a foreign lock message. CALL FUNCTION 'ENQUEUE_EPPRELE' EXPORTING PERNR = p2006-pernr INFTY = '2001' EXCEPTIONS FOREIGN_LO...


Hi all,We have an upgrage from 4.5B to ECC6I have done the modification adjustment in SPAU for SAPMV45A.and i checked in uccheck there are unicode errors reported in uccheck.but in se38 it says stmt not accessible though it works fine in 4.5b it giv...

Delete Routes thru BDC

Hi Experts, i have a scenario where i am writing a BDC to mass delete Routes from the tcode 0VTC. The routes to be deleted are uploaded into the deletion program using an excel file. When i select a route and click on delete button in tcode 0VTC, i g...

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Application log details

Hi exprets!!PLease let me know In which table the Application log details are stored. I want to prepare a report which actuly need to read the application log and where its generated details.Please help me with the details how to achive this.Mahesh

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