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Resolved! where are these values from?

hi frnds,i have an o/p msg created for my print program and form. but its giving a short i included the form routine ' ENTRY _ENU ' in my print program.would any one tell me how i define these two fields in the data declaration.1) ent_retco ...

Resolved! call transaction

hi to all,i have two fields <b>SALES ORDER</b> AND <b>BILLING DOCUME</b>NT .. I want to double click on these two in my report/....but it not properly executing...can u suggest me if it is correct or : begin of wa occurs 0, ...


Hello , I have Implemented a field exit for Data element WADAT, but my requrement is, The value In the field LIKP-WADAT in VLO2n/VLO1N TRansaction should not be allowed to change even a single time. Is there any user exit do statisfy my requi...

Resolved! Form Routine

Hi frnds, I have created a form and a print program. Now a output message is to be created for this. we nwwd to give three parameters for this.1. Print program name.2. Form name.3. Form routine. SO please tell me wots this form routine.? My form and ...

Resolved! Input on HTTP_POST_FILES

Hi, I need to export the Flat file from SAP to some HTTP server, I found that function module HTTP_POST_FILES for this. can any one help me to, waht are all the paramaeter values needs to be passed and how the flat files to be attched.Thanks

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