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Resolved! Help in ALV grid

Hi collegues,I am developing an OO ALV grid. This grid contains editable fields too. If I want to use the help function in these fields, it doesn't work at all times fine. The help for 'material number' is OK, but in all other fields (for instance 'c...

Resolved! select problem

this workSELECT SINGLE SUM( mzubb ) SUM( magbb ) FROM s033 INTO (z_mzubb , z_magbb ) WHERE werks = <ls_mard>-werks AND lgort = <ls_mard>-lgort AND matnr = <ls_mard>-matnr AND sptag BETWEEN date and date_e.<b>and thi...

Resolved! loop at itab

LOOP AT imard ASSIGNING <ls_mard>. LOOP AT is033 ASSIGNING <ls_s033> where matnr = <ls_mard>-matnr and lgort = <ls_mard>-lgort.<b>here i get 4 rows and i want to take the highest date(sptag) mzubb magbb for each matnr</...

Resolved! find lbkum per matnr lgort date

<b>step 1.</b>i took all the metirail documents from table S033 i need to calc the stock level before the materail movement execute.but i need it in the level of matnr lgort date (sptag).<b>step 2.</b>i have itab that hold all matnr in lgort and the ...

sap script - underline

hi all,when i write in sap script a sentence with underline when i write it with "helva" font,the underline is separate every world like "<u>i</u> <u>go</u> <u>to</u> <u>school</u>"and when i write it by courier it's ok,write it without separate like...

Resolved! Index on table

Hello All,i am having one query. How i can find out that what is the current index on the table.Means to say if i am using database table .How should i identify which is the current index on the table.And one more. When working on user exit we can go...

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