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Resolved! User-exit for VA21

I'm doing a functional spec for an enhancement to copy the valid from date in VA21 to the valid-to date + 14 days. Does anywone know what user-exit that can be used for the enhancement. Thanks, Torkel

ALV - Label on a cell

Hi, I don't remind if it's possible, maybe you can help me...With an ALV ( in OO or not), how can I have a LABEL on a cell ?For instance, the cell value is "test" and when my mouse is on this cell my label could be "My long text for my test is a beau...

IDoc Status

HiIs it possible to change the status of an IDoc ? Say, I have an IDoc with status 53, and i want to change the status to 52. Is it possible ?If yes, how. If no, why ?Regards- Atul

Resolved! Syntax error

Hi all,I am working on upgrade from 4.6c to ECC 6.0I have found one syntax error in ECC..DATA: CHAR132(132) TYPE C VALUE '------'.<b>Literals that take up more than one line not permitted in above statement.</b>How can I rectify this.ThanksShi...

Resolved! How to test print program?

Hi all,I have created a script ZF140_MUSIC_1 and print program ZRFKORD10 which is copy of standard driver program RFKORD10 . I want test this script.I would like to know how to test this print ptogram? I mean, i want print it on paper.Thanks...

search help method

Hi friends i have a write a code where in the impoting parameter could be firstname, lastname and empid and exporting parameter should be a table which would contain the employee name and his manger name. I have to write a search method. I would sea...

smartforms vs scripts

Hi gurus, can u kindly tell me technical differences b/w scipts and many MAIN WINDOWS are possible in scripts and smartforms.please tell me how to create multiple MAIN WINDOWS.Best answers will be rewarded.Thanks and Regards,...

search help method

Hi friends i have a write a method where in the impoting parameter could be firstname, lastname and empid and exporting parameter should be a table which would contain the employee name and his manger name. I have to write a search method. I would se...

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