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Resolved! Doubt in smartforms

Hi All, I have developed form and driver pgm,but this form should trigger from standard transaction like vf03 etc..i have assingned in the output type also,but some logic has to be applied in the pgmany please tell wat i have to include in that

SECATT error

Hi, When i was doing SECATT for the transaction XK01 i am getting the below error ________Internal error: syntax error in generated report of test environment72 SYS$$ERROR$$ Comma without preceding colon (after TCD ?). ________The code which i wrot...

Capturing Long text in FB03

I am able to capture just single line of long text in FB03 using READ_TEXT with parameters text id 0001 and object as DOC_ITEM..but am not able to capture reamining lines in it..if i view editor thier its visible ..How do capture all lines(132 char...


Hi all, I want to do BDC for GR/IR and Sales Posting. I am meeting with Finance to ask how they are possessing right now. (We use Retail and Finance SAP). Which Information do I need to gather? I am quite new to SAP.Thanks in advance..Rega...

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