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FM error message

hi all! I am using this Standared FM (ME_CONFIRMATION_CHECK_QUANTITY). In this FM i want to convert error message to information messgae ( type 'E' to type 'I') without modify standared FM. Is it possible ...

SAP std Structure

Hi.I have to create an ALV report.among all the standard tables I have some standard SAP defined structures for eg RIHSTPO,MINST and many more...Regarding DB table like mara i know that I have to create a structure, internal table and WA and then fet...

Resolved! Printing problem

data: begin of precom9, "command for printer language PRESCRIBE con1(59) value'!R!SCF;SCCS;SCU;SCP;FONT62;UNITD;MRP0,-36;BARC21,N,''123456''', con3(55) value ',40,40,2,7,7,7,4,9,9,9;MRP0,36;RPP;RPU;RPCS;RPF;EXIT,E;', end of

filter option in ALV.

hi all, i am working on an alv report.the report output is fine except for the issue that when i try to filter any test field in the report output using the ALV filter, it does not work properly.the report ouput becomes blank when i try to filter it ...

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