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edit structure object error

Hi ,I am trying to edit a structure in the program.If you try to edit the structure, I am getting error sayingYou cannot edit object R3TR TABL <STRUCTURE NAME> with the standard editor.Choose 'Display object' or 'Cancel'..I am not sure how to edit th...

Resolved! enhancement help

Hi All,I need to call a module pool program to update atable as soon as goods receipt is saved,i am not sure if 1) Is there is an user exit, which gets triggered as soon as GR is saved.2) If at all there is a user exit can we call a separate z progr...

at selection screen.

Hi I have radio buttons on my selection screen.... based on the selection the comment should change...SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF LINE.PARAMETER: p_grid TYPE c RADIOBUTTON GROUP g1, p_list TYPE c RADIOBUTTON GROUP g1.SELECTION-SCREEN ...

Resolved! Taxware User Exit ECC 6.0

Moderator message: do not offer pointsHi Experts,Working on FYTX0002 user Exit.I am tyin to write code inside the include within a function module EXIT_SAPLFYTX_USER_001.Depending upon some condition i need to decide whether or not to call the Taxwar...

Transparent table query

Hey FolksI created a transaparent table.and just have one field in it currently.Questions:1) Every transaprent table needs a primary key? IF yes then is it becos of same concept as Databased? We can join tables using this key?2) I created only one en...

Resolved! Use of forcibble index

Hey Gurus,I have a requirement to tune a very messy and not optimized program.It is using VBAK table with no primary index, and I want to make use of forcible index so that it uses secondary index (which it is not using in current case).Can anyone he...

Syntax Error

When using LSMW I go to convert and I get this error. Can anyone tell me how to fix it?Syntax error occurred in program /1CADMC/SAP_LSMW_CONV_00000022For typw "C" a maximum length specification of 65535 is allowedThanks for your helpWayne

Resolved! How to write SQL statement

Dear Sir,We have a following scenario :We have an Internal Table populated having Fields : OBJNR , WBSWe have to select all Records from table COEP which have OBJNR field value as per the records in Internal Table . The selected Records will have som...

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