2009 Jan 12 3:06 PM
Hi friends,
My requirement is, iam accessing the oreders remotely through mobile,
when one order is sent for either approval or rejection or deletion is there seperate bapi for each action or we need to call one bapi for all these actions? suppose in case of purchase order. plss tell me.
thnx in advance.
2009 Jan 12 3:11 PM
BAPI_ACC_PURCHASE_ORDER_CHECK Accounting: Check Purchase Order
BAPI_ACC_PURCHASE_ORDER_POST Accounting: Post Purchase Order
BAPI_PO_RELEASE Release Purchase Orders
BAPI_PO_RESET_RELEASE Cancel Release of Purchase Orders
2009 Jan 12 3:15 PM
BAPI to release PO is BAPI_PO_RELEASE and to reset the release is BAPI_PO_RESET_RELEASE
for reject
prepare creation of PO instance
ls_document-doc_type = 'F'.
ls_document-process = mmpur_po_process.
ls_document-trtyp = 'V'.
ls_document-doc_key(10) = lv_ponumber.
ls_document-initiator-initiator = mmpur_initiator_rel.
object creation and initialization
lv_ponumber = im_ebeln.
lv_ebeln = lv_ponumber.
create object lc_po.
lc_po->for_bapi = mmpur_yes.
call method lc_po->po_initialize( im_document = ls_document ).
call method lc_po->set_po_number( im_po_number = lv_ebeln ).
call method lc_po->set_state( cl_po_header_handle_mm=>c_available ).
read purchase order from database
call method lc_po->po_read
im_tcode = lv_tcode
im_trtyp = ls_document-trtyp
im_aktyp = ls_document-trtyp
im_po_number = lv_ebeln
im_document = ls_document.
if lc_po->if_releasable_mm~is_rejection_allowed( ) = 'X'.
call method lc_po->if_releasable_mm~reject
im_reset = space
failed = 1
others = 2.
call method lc_po->po_post
failure = 1
others = 2.
2009 Jan 12 3:30 PM
Hi chennakesav,
Thanks for u r replay,
You gave me that for reject and read, please give me for delete and forward.
so what i understood from here is we need to give import parameters for which actions we need?
2009 Jan 13 8:12 AM
2009 Jan 13 8:39 AM
for deletion
In BAPI_PO_CHANGE ,set the deletion indicator DELETE_IND in POITEM to 'L'.
Update POITEMX for that field and commit changes.now take a PO and delete a line item from the PO in ME22. Check the changed value of LOEKZ for that line item in EKPO table. Set the index DELET_IND to that changed value.
hope this helps
Aakash Banga