2007 Aug 03 10:50 PM
i am trying to split delivery using the BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_SPLIT_DEC. For a given delivery with say qty 5unit, i want to split the delivery in to 2 with the new one having 1unit and the old delivery changed to 4 units.
also, what should i pass to the parameter DELIVERYNEW ? My itemdata table contains following
item-deliv_numb = p_vbeln.
item-deliv_item = '000010'.
item-curr_qty = 'A'.
item-dlv_qty = '4'.
item-sales_unit = 'CS'.
item-base_uom = 'EA'.
APPEND item.
item-deliv_item = '000010'.
item-curr_qty = 'A'.
item-dlv_qty = '1'.
item-sales_unit = 'CS'.
item-base_uom = 'EA'.
APPEND item.
with this i get 'Data inconsistent error'
2007 Aug 04 7:14 AM
Hi Ram,
Please refer to the documentation given below:
This method allows outbound deliveries that were split in a Warehouse Management (WM) system from an original outbound delivery to be split in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system as well. This method is normally carried out immediately before the WM system confirms the outbound delivery. If they are carried out asynchronously using IDocs, both methods must be serialized using the object type.
Once the outbound delivery is created in the ERP system (referred to as the "original delivery" in the following) and replicated in the WM system, you can process it normally. If several other outbound deliveries (referred to as "split deliveries" in the following) are created from this original delivery by way of a subsequent delivery split, you must use this method to create these split deliveries in the ERP system.
In the SAP standard system, this method is linked to the following scenario:
As goods issue is posted for an outbound delivery, the system determines whether this delivery was involved in a split process. This is the case if this outbound delivery is the original delivery itself, which was already created in the ERP system, or if this outbound delivery was created in the WM system as a result of a split. In both cases, it does not matter whether the delivery was split directly from the original delivery or from a delivery that was split previously.
If a split delivery is posted goods issue, this method is used to create the new delivery from the original delivery (or reference delivery--see below).
The DELIVERYITEMSBELONGTO parameter contains value 'N' in this case and the items in the split delivery are listed in the ITEMDATA table.
If the original delivery is posted goods issue, this method is used to create one of the new deliveries (result of the split in the WM system) in the ERP system at this point, for use with future calls. Once the original delivery is posted goods issue in the ERP system, the new delivery assumes the role of the original delivery and serves as a reference delivery for splitting other outbound deliveries in all future calls.
In this case, the DELIVERYITEMSBELONGTO parameter contains value'O' and the items in the original delivery that are to be posted goods issue are listed in the ITEMDATA item table.
You must specify a split profile in the BUSINESSPROCESS parameter in the interface for the subsequent outbound-delivery split that is to be carried out in sequence. In the SAP standard system, this split profile is the same one that is used to split the outbound delivery in the WM system. Split profiles must be maintained in the ERP system in Customizing for subsequent deliveries, but not necessarily the same way as they are maintained in the WM system.
The system overrides and deactivates the following Customizing settings in this method during the delivery split:
Renumber item numbers in old deliveries
Renumber Items in New Delivery
Delete Normal Items with Quantity 0
Delivery Group Splits Not Allowed
Delete Items from Delivery Groups if Quantity is 0
Check Complete Delivery Indicator During Delivery Split
Check Number of Partial Deliveries During Split
Control when Correlated Bills of Material are Split
Copy Text Item with Quantity 0 Automatically
If Split Results Same as Orignial Delivery, Then No Split
At item level, a quantity is specified for each item number. This quantity reflects the quantity of the item that is to be included in the split delivery or the quantity that is to remain in the original delivery. The quantity to be split is limited by the existing quantity. If the OutboundDelivery.ConfirmDecentral method is called up following this process, the quantities in the delivery that was posted goods issue are corrected. If the original delivery is posted goods issue after these methods were called up, the reference delivery contains all items in the original delivery, including the ones with a quantity of zero.
The CURR_QTY field controls which field the structure of the ITEMDATA parameter will appear in:
'A': DLV_QTY (Quantity to be split, given in sales units)
'B': DLV_QTY_STOCK (Quantity to be split, given in base units)
Both of these values must be able to be converted to one another by using SALES_QTY_NUM and SALES_QTY_DENOM , however. The unit of measure can be specified in SAP units ( SALES_UNIT, BASE_UNIT) or in ISO units( ISOCODE_SALES_UNIT, BASE_UOM_ISO).
Handling Units cannot be split, meaning that the items/quantities that are to be split may not be packed.
Hope it is useful,