2023 Jun 12 9:36 AM
Dear All
We are trying to update the Responsible Cost Center field in KO03 Internal Order . We are using BAPI_INTERNALORDER_SAVEREPLICA.
We are getting the error "Master system of distributed order ********* either not correct, or not filled". Can you please let me know if there is any way to avoid this error or any other BAPI that can help me .
Thanking you in advance.
2023 Jun 12 9:51 AM
Please always communicate exact message ID and number
2023 Jun 12 10:20 AM
Message ALE2075 Number 11
2023 Jun 12 12:22 PM
2023 Jun 12 1:07 PM
This message is sent if you don't provide LOGYSTEM or if you use the local logical system... This BAPI only seems to be able to be used to replicate internal orders between several systems.
2023 Jun 12 1:20 PM
Could you try a small BDC on KO02, I don't know a relased function or BAPI to change an internal order.
2023 Oct 26 6:50 AM
Probably too late, but you can refer to note 2882954