2023 Dec 05 8:30 AM
I'm posting goods issue (551) with BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE. On posting, the material short text remains blank. If I do this process manually in MIGO, then the material short text appears.
There are no other fields for bringing material short text through the BAPI. Is this an issue with the BAPI? is there a way to bring the short text?
2023 Dec 05 1:49 PM
On further analysis, I found that the material I'm using has material description maintained only in DE language. And I was executing the BAPI in EN logon.
When I chose another material having both EN & DE descriptions maintained, then the short text started to appear for BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE posting in EN logon.
2023 Dec 05 9:41 AM
No code, no idea 🙂
Looking at the structures I see a field named "ITEM_TEXT" in GOODSMVT_ITEM, maybe it should be filled.
2023 Dec 05 1:49 PM
On further analysis, I found that the material I'm using has material description maintained only in DE language. And I was executing the BAPI in EN logon.
When I chose another material having both EN & DE descriptions maintained, then the short text started to appear for BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE posting in EN logon.