2017 Mar 21 11:01 AM
My requirement is for Tcode f-28. I tried BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST and it will post the account transaction only and it will not clear the open item. It seems like there is no way to avoid to use BDC as users would like to auto clear the invoices when doing the customer incoming payment. However in case of BDC, I can pass max 13 random records as there are only screen 13 fields. But my client sometime needs to process more than 20 records. Please guide me through this and how to fulfill my requirement.
2017 Mar 21 3:22 PM
Look at following FMs which are able to build a correct BDC for FB05
2017 Mar 29 6:10 AM
Thanks Raymond Giuseppi,
I have tried all the FMs that you have provided but none of them are working for f-28. I want to pass more than 13 document numbers at a time and it should simulate automatically in f-28 so that I can achieve my client's requirement.