3 weeks ago
Hi !!!
I needBAPI to fetch stock report storage location wise data for MB52 t-code. Right now i am using ''BAPI_MATERIAL_STOCK_REQ_LIST'' single material wise where not given storage location wise.
In MB52 we can get data as per our desired search data. Can you please suggest me any BAPI to get stock data as per storage location.
Using MMSC t-code we can add material & plant based storage location. I need BAPI which is used to add new storage location based on data. Its a retail based business so need to use third party app to change data through API.
Please guided me - Rajib
3 weeks ago
Are you on a recent SAP-System (S/4)? If so, you should look into CDS / APIs like "API_MATERIAL_STOCK_SRV" instead of BAPIs ...
For instance, you could check the OData-service "MMIM_MULTIPLE_MATERIAL_SRV" behind the "F1595"-App, which is similar to "MB52". I don't think there are released objects like BAPIs to match "MB52".
Another Approach would be to use "LSMW" or Trx. "MMSC_MASS".
Hope this helps
Nic T.
3 weeks ago
@NTeunckens Yes i am on s/4 system. Thanks for your response. I tried BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA this one but its not give the actual result and this one is not for retail function.
Please share your opinion.
3 weeks ago
Hello Rajib
I'm not familiar with IS-R.
Please investigate which BAPI is provided to enable an update to Retail-Material Master Storagelocation...
A quick Google-search mentions "BAPI_MATERIAL_MAINTAINDATA_RT" as an alternative (it contains "STORAGELOCATIONDATA" / "STORAGELOCATIONDATAX" tables) ...
Kind regards
Nic T.
3 weeks ago