2011 Dec 07 3:26 PM
We have a requirement as below
Step1: create a Vendor AP Doc using f-02 -- we
Step2: create an outgoing payment for the open item of f-02
doc as reference.
i tried with BDC for F-53 and want to replace it with a
i tried filling the internal tables of this BAPI with the
AWKEY = f-02 doc's BKPF AWKEY value.
But the doc created with the same doc no which i
gave as referecne.
Please let me know if any other BAPI can be used for this to create an outgoing payment using F-53 with a new doc no for the open item(doc) as reference. this doc is finallly used to generate cheque no using FCH5 tcode.
2011 Dec 07 3:42 PM