2006 Sep 01 8:41 AM
I try to create a DIR and to link it with a network activty. The puprose is to create a dir, deals with dir issue and link add originals to the dir and link it with the aticty 10 (vornr =0010) of a gived network.
I tried to do it using existing transaction : CN22
I follow tehse steps : launch CN22, select the network, select the activity >> menu EXTRA>> create document
The system launch CV01N transaction, I create the document in CV01N , Save
This is what I see in SE16 , table DRAW :
Document Type = ZCL
Document = myDocNumber
version = 00
part = 000
Object = VORGNET
Object key= SUYCL010010
Where SUYCL01 == Aufnr of the network
0010 = vornr of activty 10 ... so, I conclude that the following code wil do the same :
clear ls_doc.
ls_doc-documentnumber = lw_aufnr.
ls_doc-documenttype = 'ZCL'.
ls_doc-documentversion = '00'.
ls_doc-documentpart = '000'.
clear: li_objectlinks,li_objectlinks[].
li_objectlinks-objectkey = lw_dockey.
li_objectlinks-objecttype = lk_dokob_vorgnet.
APPEND li_objectlinks.
documentdata = ls_doc
DOCUMENTTYPE = lw_doctype
DOCUMENTNUMBER = lw_docnumber
DOCUMENTPART = lw_docpart
DOCUMENTVERSION = lw_docversion
return = ls_return
objectlinks = li_objectlinks.
IF ls_return IS INITIAL .
WAIT = 'X'.
There is no problem during my code execution, ls_return is empty, the commit statment works , the dir is created but there is no link between the link and Network activity ... I don't understand why.
Is there something I forgot ? Is opbjectkey something else than aufnr+vornr ? Is there specific cases in wich i have to give additional parameters to make links functionnality works?
please help cause I really don't understand what is happening.
Regards ,
2006 Sep 01 12:51 PM
I solved it but I don't know why the new solution works and no the first one : I create the document without objectlinks table and call function DOCUMENT_ASSIGNMENT_DIRECT just after and it creates the link...