2011 Oct 01 6:00 PM
I am using the BAPI to post a document.
As a request from the customer I need to post a tax item for each item.
The problem is that the tax basis is getting doubled.
In the currency amount table I sending the folloiwng:
- For the GL account I send the AMT_DOCCUR only
- For the tax item I send the AMT_DOCCURR and the AMT_BASE
I already tried different things but the basis allways gets dobled but the tax amount is ok.
Can anyone help me?
Thank you,
Nuno Silva
2011 Oct 03 10:14 AM
2011 Oct 03 10:39 AM
2011 Oct 04 12:36 PM
Hi ,
You can use FM ISU_TAX_DETERMINE_CODE_SELECT' and then create tax lines using FM FKK_TAX_LINES_CREATE.
Let me know if you need further details.