2009 Feb 19 10:40 AM
I am using BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_CHECK to verify the values introduced by the user on the screen. User can fill both local and foreign amounts or only amounts in local currency or only amounts in foreign currency. So for the CURRENCYAMOUNT table I add always two lines per each item of document: for local amounts with CURR_TYPE = 10 Company code currency and for foreign amounts with CURR_TYPE = 00 Transaction currency. When all amounts are filled it is ok, also when local amounts are filles and all foreign are zero it is ok. But when the amounts of local are empty and foreign not I get an error "Inconsistent currency information". I thought about calculating the missing values before calling BAPI, but there are sometimes small differences because of rounding and balance is not zero. Could you help me? Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
By the way, OSS Note 1040798 is already implemented. I set in header values: obj_type = 'FOTP', obj_key = '9999999999' and bus_act = 'RFBU'.
Edited by: Anna L on Feb 19, 2009 12:21 PM
Edited by: Anna L on Feb 19, 2009 2:24 PM
2009 Feb 19 1:54 PM
U should post your code, I suppose it should always transfer the value with currency transaction (00)
2009 Feb 19 1:54 PM
U should post your code, I suppose it should always transfer the value with currency transaction (00)