2018 May 31 10:30 AM
Hello Experts,
I have a weird situation here.
Till last week, the whole system did not ask for an offset while using extension even in the case of more than 240 characters and everything seemed to work fine. We were able to process fields which were present even at the 290th offset like below without using part2.
ls_extension-valuepart1 = ls_bape_vbap.
But after last week, it started falling apart and failing everywhere in the system. And the fix for this was using the part2.
ls_extension-valuepart1 = ls_bape_vbap.
ls_extension-valuepart2 = ls_bape_vbap+240.
Any of you had a similar situation? Or know what could have triggered this behaviour? I do not see anything odd in the transports that were involved in the last few days. Best Regards, M
2018 May 31 1:02 PM
2018 May 31 1:05 PM
Did you check if append structure ZABAPE_VBAP has been changed lately?
2018 May 31 4:12 PM
Obviously, you must initialize valuepart2 to go beyond the 240th character. Why it was working, impossible to say. Maybe, by the transport, you have overwritten some corrections done directly in the production system, or something like that...