2007 Mar 01 10:19 PM
My functional consultant just told me to implement the following BADI: WSAM_BASIC, WSAM_PURS and WSAM_PLNT, because she want to get the following fields : MARA-BRAND_ID, MARA-MSTAE, MARA-MSTDE, MARA-SAISO, MARA-SAISJ, EINA-LTSNR, MARC-DISPR, MPOP-PROPR, WRPL-TRCOV, WRPL-SOBST, and then get them in configuration (customizing) to put in screen or whatever, I don't know whether it is possibly, if yes, how can i do after implementing these BADI?
2007 Aug 31 11:13 AM
hello Leo,
my task is same as your. But i am new in SAP Retail Store.
can you give me some suggestions?
Thx in advance.
plx wirte me Mail: yaning.liu@comsol-ag.com