2007 Jul 18 3:14 PM
Hi every one,
May I know the diffrence between User Exists and BAdi,s ?
Can I have notes with screen shots and simple examples ?
What is the diffrence between a Rfc and BAPI ?
Can I have notes on MACRO's with few examples ?
2007 Jul 18 6:07 PM
<b>Difference between user exits and badis</b>
Check this SAP help document..
<b>Difference between RFC and BAPI</b>
RFC is a fun module similar to other fun modulkes with special Parameter as DESTINATIOn and in the attributes you have to make it as RFC ebnables
where as BAPI is the API of the BUSINESS OBJECT which you see in SWo1 Tcode
RFC (Remote Function Call) is similar to the general SAP fun module: except that in the attributes you click the radio button: RFC enabled;
and you will be passing an Import parameter DESTINATION to it.
Other code and usage will be similar to any fun module;
Have a look at any fun module in SE37 to understand better about the different components of Fun modules;
Refer this link:
check out the following link it might help you
BAPI stands for Business API(Application Program Interface).
A BAPI is remotely enabled function module ie it can be invoked from remote programs like standalone JAVA programs, web interface etc..
You can make your function module remotely enabled in attributes of Function module but
A BAPI are standard SAP function modules provided by SAP for remote access. Also they are part of Businees Objest Repository(BOR).
BAPI are RFC enabled function modules. the difference between RFc and BAPI are business objects. You create business objects and those are then registered in your BOR (Business Object Repository) which can be accessed outside the SAP system by using some other applications (Non-SAP) such as VB or JAVA. in this case u only specify the business object and its method from external system in BAPI there is no direct system call. while RFC are direct system call Some BAPIs provide basic functions and can be used for most SAP business object types. These BAPIs should be implemented the same for all business object types. Standardized BAPIs are easier to use and prevent users having to deal with a number of different BAPIs. Whenever possible, a standardized BAPI must be used in preference to an individual BAPI.
The following standardized BAPIs are provided:
Reading instances of SAP business objects
GetList ( ) With the BAPI GetList you can select a range of object key values, for example, company codes and material numbers.
The BAPI GetList() is a class method.
GetDetail() With the BAPI GetDetail() the details of an instance of a business object type are retrieved and returned to the calling program. The instance is identified via its key. The BAPI GetDetail() is an instance method. BAPIs that can create, change or delete instances of a business object type
The following BAPIs of the same object type have to be programmed so that they can be called several times within one transaction. For example, if, after sales order 1 has been created, a second sales order 2 is created in the same transaction, the second BAPI call must not affect the consistency of the sales order 2. After completing the transaction with a COMMIT WORK, both the orders are saved consistently in the database.
Create( ) and CreateFromData! ( )
The BAPIs Create() and CreateFromData() create an instance of an SAP business object type, for example, a purchase order. These BAPIs are class methods.
Change( )
The BAPI Change() changes an existing instance of an SAP business object type, for example, a purchase order. The BAPI Change () is an instance method.
Delete( ) and Undelete( ) The BAPI Delete() deletes an instance of an SAP business object type from the database or sets a deletion flag.
The BAPI Undelete() removes a deletion flag. These BAPIs are instance methods.
Cancel ( ) Unlike the BAPI Delete(), the BAPI Cancel() cancels an instance of a business object type. The instance to be cancelled remains in the database and an additional instance is created and this is the one that is actually canceled. The Cancel() BAPI is an instance method.
Add<subobject> ( ) and Remove<subobject> ( ) The BAPI Add<subobject> adds a subobject to an existing object inst! ance and the BAPI and Remove<subobject> removes a subobject from an object instance. These BAPIs are instance methods.
BAPI-step by step
list of all bapis
for BAPI's
Also refer to the following links..
Checkout !!
Look at the below link
Look at the below link for Program which are developed using the Macros
2007 Jul 18 6:07 PM
<b>Difference between user exits and badis</b>
Check this SAP help document..
<b>Difference between RFC and BAPI</b>
RFC is a fun module similar to other fun modulkes with special Parameter as DESTINATIOn and in the attributes you have to make it as RFC ebnables
where as BAPI is the API of the BUSINESS OBJECT which you see in SWo1 Tcode
RFC (Remote Function Call) is similar to the general SAP fun module: except that in the attributes you click the radio button: RFC enabled;
and you will be passing an Import parameter DESTINATION to it.
Other code and usage will be similar to any fun module;
Have a look at any fun module in SE37 to understand better about the different components of Fun modules;
Refer this link:
check out the following link it might help you
BAPI stands for Business API(Application Program Interface).
A BAPI is remotely enabled function module ie it can be invoked from remote programs like standalone JAVA programs, web interface etc..
You can make your function module remotely enabled in attributes of Function module but
A BAPI are standard SAP function modules provided by SAP for remote access. Also they are part of Businees Objest Repository(BOR).
BAPI are RFC enabled function modules. the difference between RFc and BAPI are business objects. You create business objects and those are then registered in your BOR (Business Object Repository) which can be accessed outside the SAP system by using some other applications (Non-SAP) such as VB or JAVA. in this case u only specify the business object and its method from external system in BAPI there is no direct system call. while RFC are direct system call Some BAPIs provide basic functions and can be used for most SAP business object types. These BAPIs should be implemented the same for all business object types. Standardized BAPIs are easier to use and prevent users having to deal with a number of different BAPIs. Whenever possible, a standardized BAPI must be used in preference to an individual BAPI.
The following standardized BAPIs are provided:
Reading instances of SAP business objects
GetList ( ) With the BAPI GetList you can select a range of object key values, for example, company codes and material numbers.
The BAPI GetList() is a class method.
GetDetail() With the BAPI GetDetail() the details of an instance of a business object type are retrieved and returned to the calling program. The instance is identified via its key. The BAPI GetDetail() is an instance method. BAPIs that can create, change or delete instances of a business object type
The following BAPIs of the same object type have to be programmed so that they can be called several times within one transaction. For example, if, after sales order 1 has been created, a second sales order 2 is created in the same transaction, the second BAPI call must not affect the consistency of the sales order 2. After completing the transaction with a COMMIT WORK, both the orders are saved consistently in the database.
Create( ) and CreateFromData! ( )
The BAPIs Create() and CreateFromData() create an instance of an SAP business object type, for example, a purchase order. These BAPIs are class methods.
Change( )
The BAPI Change() changes an existing instance of an SAP business object type, for example, a purchase order. The BAPI Change () is an instance method.
Delete( ) and Undelete( ) The BAPI Delete() deletes an instance of an SAP business object type from the database or sets a deletion flag.
The BAPI Undelete() removes a deletion flag. These BAPIs are instance methods.
Cancel ( ) Unlike the BAPI Delete(), the BAPI Cancel() cancels an instance of a business object type. The instance to be cancelled remains in the database and an additional instance is created and this is the one that is actually canceled. The Cancel() BAPI is an instance method.
Add<subobject> ( ) and Remove<subobject> ( ) The BAPI Add<subobject> adds a subobject to an existing object inst! ance and the BAPI and Remove<subobject> removes a subobject from an object instance. These BAPIs are instance methods.
BAPI-step by step
list of all bapis
for BAPI's
Also refer to the following links..
Checkout !!
Look at the below link
Look at the below link for Program which are developed using the Macros
2007 Aug 08 5:46 PM