2017 Jan 29 3:03 AM
I have a question.
In one of the requirement, am using BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST, In that we need to update the reason code for payments (REBZG) and i used extension2 table. In addition to that, i have used BADI (ACC_DOCUMENT) to populate that REBZG in ACCIT table. This is fine now.
Now in another requirement, i am using BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 to update a custom field ZZFIELD1 in VBAP.
After using extensionin in the sale order BPI, do i need to populate the ZZFIELD1 value in any of the user exit or it is not required.
If it is not required, then what is the difference between first case and second case?.
Please clarify.