2020 Dec 15 5:27 PM
For Fiori application I want to implement the BADI HCM_B_TSH_FIELDRANKINGS. when I enter the BADI name HCM_B_TSH_FIELDRANKINGS in SE18 it takes me to enhancement Spot HCM_ES_TIMESHEET. In the Enhancement implementations tab I get the message 'No enhancement implementations exist' . My question is - do I have to implement enhancement spot with Z*** enahncement spot or if any OSS notes is missing?
2020 Dec 16 2:26 AM
2020 Dec 15 8:55 PM
You need to do right-click mouse in the node Implementation and create it.
It seems you are the first who is using this Badi in your system.
2020 Dec 16 2:26 AM