2009 Mar 10 7:55 AM
In the system we have a badi implementation. I would like to know in which TCode the badi implementation is called and executed, without executing any transactions. Is there any table or function module to find that out?
Thanks in advance.
2009 Mar 10 7:59 AM
2009 Mar 10 10:01 AM
Thanks to all.
But let me clarify my question.
I already have a BADI Implementation say for eg ZABC of a standard badi definition. I want to find out on execution of which transaction code will the code in badi implementation be executed. Hope its is clear now.
2009 Mar 10 10:35 AM
Hi Peter,
I think there is no way to figure out the transaction code that is responsible for the BAdI implementation.
In fact there are BAdIs that may be triggered by more than one tcode, BAdIs that are filter-dependent depending on the scenario.
You may want to read the documentation of the BAdI in se19 so that you'll have an idea when it is being used, if there's any.
Usually, you need to know first the requirement, then look for the BAdI that suits your requirement (using SPRO).
2009 Mar 10 8:00 AM
Use se18/se19 to go to BADI implementing class and then exceute the methods from there.
hope this helps.
2009 Mar 10 8:01 AM
2009 Mar 10 8:02 AM
BADI is an layer or extension of SAP standard objects.
The custom Implementations created for BADI's were called implicitly whenever for whom the custom implementations were called.
Sreeram Kumar.Madisetty
2009 Mar 10 8:02 AM
Check the following tables,may be you can get some lead.
SXS_INTER, SXC_EXIT, SXC_CLASS and SXC_ATTR. These tables are always accessed by the views V_EXT_IMP and V_EXT_ACT.
2009 Mar 10 11:24 AM
Looks like from one of the replies, that it is not possible to map the existing implementation to one particular TCode