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Background jobs in SAP

0 Kudos

Hi Guys,

I want to schedule a job in sm36 with a set step and variant..the easy part

However I want this job to repeat it self as soon as it finshes or have a 60second delay (not required) but it needs to be in an endless loop or for a set period of time/days

Monday to Friday etc

I could set the job to repeat it self every set amount of time, but I need to guarantee that the above job has completed before the next one starts.

ECC 6 701 patch 7

Sorry if this is posted elsewhere but I could not find it!


Active Contributor
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Periodic-event job

- Create a customer event in the system - Transaction SM64

- Create your job periodic-event on this event

- Add a last step with report [BTC_EVENT_RAISE|] and a variant that raises your event

Now raise once the event calling report BTC_EVENT_RAISE or FM BP_EVENT_RAISE or method cl_batch_event=>raise...

Periodic job

Create a Z-program wrapper which

- call FM GET_JOB_RUNTIME_INFO to get its own job name

- call FM like BP_JOBLIST_PROCESSOR or select from TBTCO to get current status of job with this name (or other criteria)

- If already two jobs running (another and this one) -> exit

- else submit the required report

Create a periodic job with the wrapper




Active Contributor
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Try raising an event SAP_END_OF_JOB with the jobname as parameter at the end of execution and schedule the job to wait for this same event and parameter.

You could add the necessary code to a Z-program or - if it is a standard SAP program - schedule a second job step for this purpose.

You'll have to raise the event manually via SM62 once to get the ball rollin'...


P.S. did not think of the "for a set period of days" part yet...

P.P.S. such things highlight the limitations of the standard SAP job scheduling, and are often solved by external scheduling tools

Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Nov 23, 2011 1:47 PM

0 Kudos

Thanks Thomas

I was just looking at events as a possible work around - I will follow you helpful tip and report back

0 Kudos

Hi Thomas

Cant seem to get the job to repeat it self, but I can get the job to run

Any ideas?

0 Kudos

How are you raising the event? Did you schedule the job as "periodic"?


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Periodic-event job

- Create a customer event in the system - Transaction SM64

- Create your job periodic-event on this event

- Add a last step with report [BTC_EVENT_RAISE|] and a variant that raises your event

Now raise once the event calling report BTC_EVENT_RAISE or FM BP_EVENT_RAISE or method cl_batch_event=>raise...

Periodic job

Create a Z-program wrapper which

- call FM GET_JOB_RUNTIME_INFO to get its own job name

- call FM like BP_JOBLIST_PROCESSOR or select from TBTCO to get current status of job with this name (or other criteria)

- If already two jobs running (another and this one) -> exit

- else submit the required report

Create a periodic job with the wrapper



Former Member
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Check if is convenient for you to make 2 copies for the same Job and to set the start condition after job

in each one the job name of the other.

Afer that just schedule immediately a job to run immediately with name the name of the first job

Former Member
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Well as a suggestion. To achieve this why dont u creafe a report for that.

1. First step u create a job. and store this job info in custom table along with the jobcount.

2. in the code itself add 2 more logics,

one to again recall the program after may be 5 seconds,

second make a if statement if job status fetched from custom table is finshed, then schedule the next job. i guess this is easy.

I hav implemented the same logic in my code also. and its working fine