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Back to basics: OData - Your thoughts, comments and questions welcome!

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

This is a great place for us to talk about all things OData, about the topics that came up during the related Hands-on SAP Dev live stream episodes. Have a look at the episodes, and share your thoughts, comments and questions here. 


Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

Here are the links shared in this part 1 (introduction)

Sample OData services including the classic Northwind

OData with CAP showing how CAP helps you build OData services

Take a Deep Dive into OData mission on our Tutorial Navigator

Sample OData service and UI5 app that we'll be using in this series

2-minutes-of API Basics playlist including videos on HTTP and REST

Monday morning thoughts: OData where I talk about the origins of OData and more

OData Specs analysis this is a brief "map" of OData specification documents

Blog feed at that you can compare with an OData entityset and see that they're very similar

XML Tree extension for Chrome use this for nicely formatted XML responses in your browser

Active Contributor

Looks like another challenge to me!  I'll have to go through your links first.

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

Great, let us know if you have any questions!


I tried to follow your instructions of your youtube video for VS code "cds deploy --to sqlite", but it returns with error: cds : File C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Roaming\npm\cds.ps1 cannot be loaded. The file C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Roaming\npm\cds.ps1 is not digitally signed. You cannot run this script on the current system.
For more information about running scripts and setting execution policy, see about_Execution_Policies at https:/
At line:1 char:1
+ cds deploy --to sqlite
+ ~~~
+ CategoryInfo : SecurityError: (:) [], PSSecurityException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess


I tried to google, but did not found a working solution, will you know why? thanks Sam



Hi there, this looks like it's a Windows / Powershell issue on your machine. I did a quick Google and found this, which seems to be in the right area: 

I can't test it out myself, I don't run Windows or have access to a Windows machine.

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos

I would add that I am a Windows user and run PowerShell and I don't have any issues running the cds commands from the npm global install.



So I don't believe this is just a general Windows/Powershell kind of issue. When you do a npm install -g a powershell script is created by NPM to be compatible with running commands from powershell. On my machine my Nodejs install is setup (by the installer) to be trusted by Powershell automatically. I didn't have to do anything special. So this might indicate a problem in your intial Node.js install or something company specific installed on your machine (It could be the case they have enforced additional security checks). 

I do use nvm for Windows to manage my Node.js installations.  coreybutler/nvm-windows: A node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go....  Maybe that will help you get around any security/setup issues with Node.js runtime on your machine 

You might try running this from regular Windows cmd instead powershell or even better try out WSL2 and run it via the embedded Linux.  If you haven't tried out WSL2 I highly recommend it in general.  Install WSL | Microsoft Docs
While I run Powershell as the default in my terminal, I also have a startup script that routes certain commands to Ubuntu in WSL.  I can issue both powewshell and linux commands mixed in the same terminal session that way.



Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

Here is the chat log from the livestream as well:

Author NameMessageVideo Time
Helmut Tammen33 people are waiting. DJ, seems that you hit the nerv0:00:12
Henry StuifzandGoodmorning from a cloudy Netherlands0:00:12
Nils Lutzgood morning everyone 🖖0:00:12
bilen cekicgood afternoon from Malaysia 🖐0:00:12
Akshath LTHello Good morning 🌞0:00:12
vijay kumarGood morning DJ0:00:12
emsigyverGood morning DJ from Heidelberg0:00:12
Joe BlowerMorning all 👋0:00:12
Nico GeburekGood Morning all0:00:12
Pavan KumarGood morning all0:00:12
Onno SchoenmakersGood morning from a sunny Den Bosch, Netherlands 😃0:00:12
Akhilesh VatupalliGood Morning0:00:12
SAP Developers
Sanjay YadavGood morning sir 🌞0:00:12
Christian Drummgood morning 👋0:00:12
SAP Developers
SAP Developers/watch?v=sMyXGqDDxu80:05:07
Ian StubbingsMorning DJ, morning all 🙂0:05:07
Pieter JanssensGood morning folks0:05:07
Raghu RamHi!! Greetings for the Day0:05:07
bilen cekicbut DJ, there are many startups still relies on RestAPI and GraphQL but i don't see anyone really want to use ODATA for their dataflow 😀 0:05:07
SAP Developers
Christian DrummYour mic sounds a litte strage today. A lot of reverb and metallic. Did you select the right mic? Might just be that you are sitting in a different room...0:09:58
Nico GeburekI don't notice any difference tbh0:10:01
flatlineodata is kindof standard but what do you think about gRPC , isn't that more suitable for erp projects0:10:01
vijay kumarI am working for data migration. I am using ETL( BODS, Talend ) tool for data load. Recently started exploring the Odata for data loads which is already available in SAP. Suppose 0:10:01
Christian DrummOK. Don't worry. No need to apologies. It's fine!0:10:01
vijay kumarif any standard oData is not available. I think to develop from RAP API since SAP is recommanding to go forward with RAP rather in Odata with SEGW( Netwear Gateway ). 0:10:01
vijay kumarWhat is the recommanded way for future development for data migration? RAP or traditional SEGW?0:10:01
Akhilesh VatupalliWill REST completely replace SOAP? What are the main differences?0:10:01
Helmut Tammen33 people are waiting. DJ, seems that you hit the nerv0:12:28
Henry StuifzandGoodmorning from a cloudy Netherlands0:12:28
Nils Lutzgood morning everyone 🖖0:12:28
bilen cekicgood afternoon from Malaysia 🖐0:12:28
Akshath LTHello Good morning 🌞0:12:28
vijay kumarGood morning DJ0:12:28
emsigyverGood morning DJ from Heidelberg0:12:28
Joe BlowerMorning all 👋0:12:28
Nico GeburekGood Morning all0:12:28
Pavan KumarGood morning all0:12:28
Onno SchoenmakersGood morning from a sunny Den Bosch, Netherlands 😃0:12:28
Akhilesh VatupalliGood Morning0:12:28
SAP Developers
Sanjay YadavGood morning sir 🌞0:12:28
Christian Drummgood morning 👋0:12:28
SAP Developers
SAP Developers/watch?v=sMyXGqDDxu80:12:28
Ian StubbingsMorning DJ, morning all 🙂0:12:28
Pieter JanssensGood morning folks0:12:28
Raghu RamHi!! Greetings for the Day0:12:28
bilen cekicbut DJ, there are many startups still relies on RestAPI and GraphQL but i don't see anyone really want to use ODATA for their dataflow 😀 0:12:28
SAP Developers
Christian DrummYour mic sounds a litte strage today. A lot of reverb and metallic. Did you select the right mic? Might just be that you are sitting in a different room...0:12:28
Nico GeburekI don't notice any difference tbh0:12:28
flatlineodata is kindof standard but what do you think about gRPC , isn't that more suitable for erp projects0:12:28
vijay kumarI am working for data migration. I am using ETL( BODS, Talend ) tool for data load. Recently started exploring the Odata for data loads which is already available in SAP. Suppose 0:12:28
Christian DrummOK. Don't worry. No need to apologies. It's fine!0:12:28
vijay kumarif any standard oData is not available. I think to develop from RAP API since SAP is recommanding to go forward with RAP rather in Odata with SEGW( Netwear Gateway ). 0:12:28
vijay kumarWhat is the recommanded way for future development for data migration? RAP or traditional SEGW?0:12:28
Nico GeburekHad to CAPture it0:15:07
Wises KeshomHi Good morning everyone0:15:07
flatlineit would be really perfect experiment to embed nodejs into erp so instead of segw we can access tables with node, i know there is cap but it not available for normal onprem erp0:15:07
Nikhil RaoActually DJ/Vijay Kumar, wouldnt it be fair to say, that Odata is not the best candidate for massive data migrations ? instead shouldnt we be looking at LTMOM/LTMC. + no SEGW on Steampunk, yeah ?!0:19:11
SAMIR DUTTAis there any utility to monitor RAP API payload and reprocess it like Idoc. any plan to bring such tool ?0:19:11
flatlinefor etl go binary0:19:11
SAP Developers
Raghu RamWhat about folks who are new to SAP and don't know SAP ABAP?0:25:33
Helmut Tammen@Raghu Ram CAP and BTP0:25:33
vijay kumarLTMOM and LTMC is too much manual work. We are extracting from non SAP system and direct load to SAP Via IDOC and RFC. 0:25:33
vijay kumarBut these are old techniques . We want to go SAP's features proofs of both hybrid data migration for both on cloud and on prim S4 hana0:25:33
Rajshekhar Vermafor better understanding of REST architecture, i think fielding_dissertation is good reference0:25:33
Pavan KumarI see some services in sap api business hub as REST API and OData API . what exactly the difference between both ?0:25:33
Raghu Ramplease paste the link to start abap0:25:33
bilen cekicfor ETL i developed a sap certified ETL tool purely relies on REST API and i can tell there is no limitations at all. especially on dynamic content, nothing can beat REST API. Insanely simple. 0:25:33
Ian Stubbings@Raghu Ram .The one I posted is the new one from Andre Fischer0:25:33
Henry StuifzandNIce link I saw yesterday:0:25:33
Ian StubbingsShould be perfect for you0:25:33
sorabh nagpalWe are currently in ECC developing Segw odata but if we plan to migrate to S/4 HANA ..can we reuse them or we should try to rebuilt within the RAP/CAP to take the advantage of S/4 HANA 0:25:33
Raghu RamOh!! thanks a lot my dear friends0:25:36
Ian Stubbingsnp 🙂0:25:36
flatlinebefore open source cap , embed cap into onprem erp, xs never took of maybe this will0:25:36
Raghu RamSend me the link of Fischer0:25:36
Chechprogramming on SAP BTP0:25:36
SAMIR DUTTAwe have seen SAP has started releasing odata v4 based Apps in s4. is this the way forward to build app and in sap roadmap on v4. is there any tool for odata v2 to v4 migration or we hv to create srvc0:25:36
SAP Developers
SAP Developers
Nikhil RaoCAP is now on Eclipse too ? anyone with feedback on it here ?0:28:01
Nils LutzCAP ❤0:28:01
Gary Daleyms0:28:01
Akhilesh VatupalliRSS0:28:01
SAMIR DUTTAmicrosoft0:28:01
Nils Lutzwasn't it Microsoft?0:28:01
Pavan KumarMicrosoft0:28:01
Akhilesh VatupalliWill REST completely replace SOAP? What are the main differences?0:28:28
Nico GeburekHad to CAPture it0:28:28
Wises KeshomHi Good morning everyone0:28:28
flatlineit would be really perfect experiment to embed nodejs into erp so instead of segw we can access tables with node, i know there is cap but it not available for normal onprem erp0:28:28
Nikhil RaoActually DJ/Vijay Kumar, wouldnt it be fair to say, that Odata is not the best candidate for massive data migrations ? instead shouldnt we be looking at LTMOM/LTMC. + no SEGW on Steampunk, yeah ?!0:28:28
SAMIR DUTTAis there any utility to monitor RAP API payload and reprocess it like Idoc. any plan to bring such tool ?0:28:28
flatlinefor etl go binary0:28:28
SAP Developers
Raghu RamWhat about folks who are new to SAP and don't know SAP ABAP?0:28:28
Helmut Tammen@Raghu Ram CAP and BTP0:28:28
vijay kumarLTMOM and LTMC is too much manual work. We are extracting from non SAP system and direct load to SAP Via IDOC and RFC. 0:28:28
vijay kumarBut these are old techniques . We want to go SAP's features proofs of both hybrid data migration for both on cloud and on prim S4 hana0:28:28
Rajshekhar Vermafor better understanding of REST architecture, i think fielding_dissertation is good reference0:28:28
Pavan KumarI see some services in sap api business hub as REST API and OData API . what exactly the difference between both ?0:28:28
Raghu Ramplease paste the link to start abap0:28:28
bilen cekicfor ETL i developed a sap certified ETL tool purely relies on REST API and i can tell there is no limitations at all. especially on dynamic content, nothing can beat REST API. Insanely simple. 0:28:28
Ian Stubbings@Raghu Ram .The one I posted is the new one from Andre Fischer0:28:28
Henry StuifzandNIce link I saw yesterday:0:28:28
Ian StubbingsShould be perfect for you0:28:28
sorabh nagpalWe are currently in ECC developing Segw odata but if we plan to migrate to S/4 HANA ..can we reuse them or we should try to rebuilt within the RAP/CAP to take the advantage of S/4 HANA 0:28:28
Raghu RamOh!! thanks a lot my dear friends0:28:28
Ian Stubbingsnp 🙂0:28:28
flatlinebefore open source cap , embed cap into onprem erp, xs never took of maybe this will0:28:28
Raghu RamSend me the link of Fischer0:28:28
Chechprogramming on SAP BTP0:28:28
SAMIR DUTTAwe have seen SAP has started releasing odata v4 based Apps in s4. is this the way forward to build app and in sap roadmap on v4. is there any tool for odata v2 to v4 migration or we hv to create srvc0:28:28
Ian StubbingsGreen screen alert 🙂0:30:47
Akhilesh VatupalliRSS was one of the birth places for ODATA0:30:47
SAP Developers
SAP Developers
Joe BlowerFYI DJ, you're getting some green screen tearing on your right. Looks like your blinds!? 😀 0:30:47
Ian StubbingsRight shoulder0:30:47
Joe BlowerAh, beaten to it 🙂 0:30:47
flatlinesince odata contains metadata about data type filed names etc.., do anyone know a tool that generates sample request from an odata endpoint ?0:30:47
SAP Developers
Raghu Ramif it is hanadb, do we go wuth hanadb instead sqlite in console0:33:13
Ian StubbingsI remember that0:33:13
vijay kumaryes i am aware0:35:46
Jan-Willem KaagmanOfcourse, everyone knows the Northern winds 😉 0:35:46
Nico GeburekNorthwind 🥰0:35:46
Nils Lutznorthwind -> the SFLIGHT in Odata world 😀0:35:46
flatlinerival company to acme ?0:35:46
Pieter JanssensNorthwind V4 allows CORS0:37:17
Pavan Kumaris it possible to get the metadata for the odata service in json ?0:37:17
vijay kumarYes you can get the metadata in JS using JSlint site0:37:17
vijay kumaror install the plugin0:37:17
bilen cekicwe send entire JSON content of our data in one of the columns of ODATA service. Technically it is ODATa but we RESTified it . Easier for our UI5 apps0:37:17
SAP Developers
SAP Developers
Nikhil RaoCAP is now on Eclipse too ? anyone with feedback on it here ?0:40:15
Nils LutzCAP ❤0:40:15
Gary Daleyms0:40:15
Akhilesh VatupalliRSS0:40:15
SAMIR DUTTAmicrosoft0:40:15
Nils Lutzwasn't it Microsoft?0:40:15
SAP Developers
Nils Lutzhave a look at the editors DJ0:42:02
Nils Lutzof odata v40:42:02
Rajshekhar VermaRaj is okay0:42:02
Nils Lutzyep0:42:02
Nils Lutzwanted to point that out to show the dedication of SAP to the OData protocol0:42:02
Chechit says V3 in the northwind URL. fair to say SAP skipped adopting v3?0:42:02
Nico GeburekWhat's the browser extension you use to view xml to get the tag highlighting etc?0:49:32
SAP Developers
Nils Lutz@Nico looks like "XML Tree"0:49:32
Nico GeburekMuchas Gracias0:49:32
vijay kumarIn terms of performances for more than 1 millions records of creating material master , Sales order, Purchase orders using Odata service. will it support that huge volume of data?. 0:51:29
vijay kumarI am using ETL i can split into small packets of data using $filter, $between but still it takes long time. Is it a right approach to do this using Odata or RAP?0:51:29
jbm1991it's big enough for me0:51:29
Rajshekhar Verma@Vijay kumar it is always recommended to call service in batches0:51:29
jbm1991it is me! It seems to have logged me in with a different account today for some reason0:51:29
bilen cekic@Vijay kumar i am using plain rest with JSON. And my ETL is sometimes integrationg 100 millions of BSEG records. Integration via ODATA should be illegal 0:51:29
bilen cekicI also split into smaller batches but my ODATA tests also shown data, it is cumbersome to use ODATA if not specially for Azure or AWS for a specific service, or RAP purpose0:54:23
vijay kumarfor both hybrid approach of cloud and on prim0:54:23
Rajshekhar Verma@Vijay kumar some times platform restriction wont allow you to create that log document, in ABAP backend it will throw dump while processing as it can not hold that big service document in string0:56:20
Jan-Willem KaagmanSomething very different, but very much in the spirit of SAP Development: Will there be a "live" TechEd this year, or again online? 0:58:03
vijay kumar@Former Member Verma , I am only in concept phase. i am thinking to use new approaches with kafka with Odata in ETL.1:00:26
Pavan Kumarnice session DJ1:01:30
vijay kumar@Former Member Verma , I am only in concept phase. i am thinking to use new approaches with kafka with Odata in ETL.1:02:10
Pavan KumarMicrosoft1:02:10
Ian StubbingsGreen screen alert 🙂1:02:10
Akhilesh VatupalliRSS was one of the birth places for ODATA1:02:10
SAP Developers
SAP Developers
Joe BlowerFYI DJ, you're getting some green screen tearing on your right. Looks like your blinds!? 😀 1:02:10
Ian StubbingsRight shoulder1:02:10
Joe BlowerAh, beaten to it 🙂 1:02:10
flatlinesince odata contains metadata about data type filed names etc.., do anyone know a tool that generates sample request from an odata endpoint ?1:02:10
SAP Developers
Raghu Ramif it is hanadb, do we go wuth hanadb instead sqlite in console1:02:10
Ian StubbingsI remember that1:02:10
vijay kumaryes i am aware1:02:10
Jan-Willem KaagmanOfcourse, everyone knows the Northern winds 😉 1:02:10
Nico GeburekNorthwind 🥰1:02:10
Nils Lutznorthwind -> the SFLIGHT in Odata world 😀1:02:10
flatlinerival company to acme ?1:02:10
Pieter JanssensNorthwind V4 allows CORS1:02:10
Pavan Kumaris it possible to get the metadata for the odata service in json ?1:02:10
vijay kumarYes you can get the metadata in JS using JSlint site1:02:10
vijay kumaror install the plugin1:02:10
bilen cekicwe send entire JSON content of our data in one of the columns of ODATA service. Technically it is ODATa but we RESTified it . Easier for our UI5 apps1:02:10
SAP Developers
Nils Lutzhave a look at the editors DJ1:02:10
Nils Lutzof odata v41:02:10
Rajshekhar VermaRaj is okay1:02:10
Nils Lutzyep1:02:10
Nils Lutzwanted to point that out to show the dedication of SAP to the OData protocol1:02:10
Chechit says V3 in the northwind URL. fair to say SAP skipped adopting v3?1:02:10
Nico GeburekWhat's the browser extension you use to view xml to get the tag highlighting etc?1:02:10
SAP Developers
Nils Lutz@Nico looks like "XML Tree"1:02:10
Nico GeburekMuchas Gracias1:02:10
vijay kumarIn terms of performances for more than 1 millions records of creating material master , Sales order, Purchase orders using Odata service. will it support that huge volume of data?. 1:02:10
vijay kumarI am using ETL i can split into small packets of data using $filter, $between but still it takes long time. Is it a right approach to do this using Odata or RAP?1:02:10
jbm1991it's big enough for me1:02:10
Rajshekhar Verma@Vijay kumar it is always recommended to call service in batches1:02:10
jbm1991it is me! It seems to have logged me in with a different account today for some reason1:02:10
bilen cekic@Vijay kumar i am using plain rest with JSON. And my ETL is sometimes integrationg 100 millions of BSEG records. Integration via ODATA should be illegal 1:02:10
bilen cekicI also split into smaller batches but my ODATA tests also shown data, it is cumbersome to use ODATA if not specially for Azure or AWS for a specific service, or RAP purpose1:02:10
vijay kumarfor both hybrid approach of cloud and on prim1:02:10
Rajshekhar Verma@Vijay kumar some times platform restriction wont allow you to create that log document, in ABAP backend it will throw dump while processing as it can not hold that big service document in string1:02:10
Jan-Willem KaagmanSomething very different, but very much in the spirit of SAP Development: Will there be a "live" TechEd this year, or again online? 1:02:10
Antonio MaradiagaWhen dealing with massive amount of data and using APIs to extract the data, the biggest problem you'll face is initial /full load. Delta's are easier to handle1:02:45
Pavan Kumarnice session DJ1:02:49
Antonio MaradiagaWhen dealing with massive amount of data and using APIs to extract the data, the biggest problem you'll face is initial /full load. Delta's are easier to handle1:02:49

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

I just came across a cool extension for visually exploring OData metadata - the OData CSDL Modeler

What do you think? Shall we take a look at it in this week's live stream (part 2 of our OData series)? 





Thanks for this. We are always on the look out for a good OData modeller. My all time fav was the PragmatiQa "XOdata", sad that was discontinued years ago but still half works on their website.

We use the WebIDE modeller sometimes, but it's kind of old and tired.

Something that we would really like is a tool that both models i.e. create/change/display graphically as well as doing the same in an editor that is CSDL syntax aware. Be good for you to take a look at the VS Code tool this week in your session.

High up on our list of wants is also a tool can also generate Swagger/Open API documentation of SAP OData V2 or V4 service metadata, without having to convert it to another format first or manipulate the metadata. I haven't been able to find such a tool thus far.


0 Kudos

Cheers Brendan, I think we'll definitely take a quick look this Friday. I remember XOData too, it was a pretty nice tool. Shame it's not still around. 


@BrendanFarthing wrote:

High up on our list of wants is also a tool can also generate Swagger/Open API documentation of SAP OData V2 or V4 service metadata, without having to convert it to another format first or manipulate the metadata. I haven't been able to find such a tool thus far.


When you say SAP OData in this context do you mean ABAP based OData?  Because CAP has functionaltiy and examples of how to generate Swagger/OpenAPI:
capire - Publishing to OpenAPI (

0 Kudos

Hi Thomas,

I'm meaning ABAP based OData, most typically OData V2 on an ABAP stack in our case and almost all of them are ECC systems.

But thanks for the tip about CAP, I'll check that out. But be good if anyone has some tips on taking an ABAP stack OData V2 $metadata and converting it into exactly what you guys have shown for CAP.


Yes, Tom is absolutely right. Here's the Swagger UI and YUML diagram that CAP creates with pretty much zero effort for me, on the repo:






0 Kudos

Nice one, good to see that CAP has itself sorted. That's exactly what I'm looking for, but for ABAP stack V2 $metadata 🙂

0 Kudos

Hi Team,

Thanks for sharing the details around odata.
I am working on an interface in SAP PO 7.5 odata v2 adapter where trying to query data from a thirdparty application. In the metadata, I have the fields CREATED_AT and MODIFIED_AT in the format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS". Can you please help with query filter on how to extract records of last 24 hrs.


