2013 Nov 14 5:36 PM
Hi all , i need some help with a field exit , i'm using the field exit for data elment BUKRS and inside that i put a Autorization Object Z that i made that validate the bukrs field . The problem is that the field exit is not triggered in all transaction , for example is trigger in OKB9 , but in a Z report that my friend is developing doesn't get the error message that i put to know if it pass , please help
2013 Nov 14 5:52 PM
You need to check if the server is enabled to execute field exit.
Go to transaction RZ11. At the parameter name enter "abap/fieldexit".
Check if the fields "Default Values", "Profile Value" and "Current Value" are type with "YES".
You will need restart the server to get the new features.
2013 Nov 14 5:52 PM
You need to check if the server is enabled to execute field exit.
Go to transaction RZ11. At the parameter name enter "abap/fieldexit".
Check if the fields "Default Values", "Profile Value" and "Current Value" are type with "YES".
You will need restart the server to get the new features.
2013 Nov 14 6:39 PM
The ffirst thing you need to consider is the field exit is no longer supported, anyway:
As Bruno said you need to check if all your servers are available for field exit,
but also you need to check if all transactions you need are active for your field exit (run report RSMODPRF😞
The field-exit has to be active for every dynpro where you need to trigger your control
The last thing you need to consider is the Enjoy transaction doesn't support the field exit.
2013 Nov 14 8:26 PM
The field exit are active , i already check , this "The last thing you need to consider is the Enjoy transaction doesn't support the field exit." how do i check it ?
2013 Nov 14 10:39 PM
Enjoy transaction mostly end with 'N' like ME21N, SE16N, etc and BDC recordings are not supported as these have complex views with grid and other OO functionality used.
2013 Nov 15 5:01 PM
Yes all transaction ending with N, but in generally all transactions having dynpro based on control framework
2013 Nov 15 8:26 PM
Hello Alan,
The field exit will not trigger automatically at all screens where it is used.
You might need to configure a program/screen to trigger the exit.
Please check this documentation.
For the case you mentioned, it would be better to code in the authority check in the Z program.
For standard programs, standard auth objects would be implemented - you can check by putting a break point on statement AUTHORITY-CHECK.
In case it does not have any for BUKRS/required field, you could use implicit or explicit enhancement options to include the custom auth check.
Hope this helps.