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Automatic packing based on volume

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I need to create an automatic packing rule based on volume. Unfortunately the items (products) to be packed have the basic unit of measure in pieces (NR).

So I managed to do this: in the material master in the units of measure I put the conversion volume/pieces (ex.: 1 M3 = 105 NR), then I updated the packing reference material with a 'dummy' one that has a volume unit of measure. Then I created the packing rules based on volume and packing rule determination based on this 'dummy' material.

It works but I have 2 big problems:

1) the system perform the conversion NR -> M3 and M3 -> NR again with the result that I have 2,75 pieces in one box and 1,25 in another one. And this is not a nice thing !

2) The system cannot determine the right box if I have many items in the delivery. Eg.: If I pack 10 pieces on one delivery item the result is 10 pieces in a big box, that's ok. If I have the same 10 pieces splitted on 2 items, 5 on item 10 and 5 on item 20, the system packs them on 2 medium boxes, and this is not ok since we can use the big box.

Can any of you help me to solve these problems ? Shall I use BADIs or enhancements ? how ?

Thank you very much


Message was edited by: Roberto Mazzali

Message was edited by: Roberto Mazzali


Former Member
0 Kudos

See the Convertion exist Function Module <b>CONVERSION_EXIT_CUNIT_INPUT</b>, it will helps you to take take the right unit. Believe if you get the correct unit that will solve your 1 & 2.



0 Kudos

Sorry but I couldn't manage how this FM can help me.

Can you explain me how to use it ?

thank you
