2005 Jan 09 11:31 AM
How do I prevent users from running rpcalc*0 in simulation mode on pernr with certain personnel area / payroll subtype?
Ex. administrators of hourly paid people are not allowed to run simulation payroll run on salaried people.
We do have p_orgin set up, and rpcalc0 has PNP, however we can see in the rpcalc0 that authority-check is only calling object p_PCLX?
Søren Sørensen
2005 Jan 12 9:12 AM
Found out myself that the reason was to be found in the authorization of object P_ABAP.
Was set up with COARS value = 2. Must be set up with the value = 1 in order to acivate auth. check via P_ORGIN.