2010 Dec 07 11:36 AM
I have a requirement to implement F-92 transaction. I have tried using BAPI_ASS_RETIREMENT_POST; but it gives an error 'Transaction type 210 not possible for activity 'retirement with revenue ".
Please let me know if this BAPI can be used for this purpose. Also are there any other BAPIs that can be used for achieving the same ?
2010 Dec 07 3:07 PM
2010 Dec 08 6:53 AM
2010 Dec 08 6:53 AM
2010 Dec 08 6:54 AM
210 is the correct Transaction Type. On manually posting using F-92, BSEG table gets updated with this value.
2010 Dec 15 10:03 AM
2012 Mar 07 6:24 AM
Iam facing sam eproblem, could you please share bdc code to me. It will be great help for me.
Thanks and regards,
2013 Aug 31 6:40 AM
Dear Expers,
I have configured the asset management module. While working on F-92 I get the following error. The Asset Retirement Checkbox is missing.
How to get that Area in F-92.
Jazib Tariq
2014 Jun 23 11:46 AM
Check Your GL account. if it is made for Revenue A.c for Asset Sale
2014 Jun 23 11:47 AM