2023 Dec 15 12:43 PM
I need to send the Supplier Vendor Number (From table EINA) thru the outbound Idoc ARTMAS10. I have tried the following:
1. BADI ARTMAS_BAPI_EXTEND. Methods MODIFY_BAPI_DATA and MODIFY_MMD_DATA don't trigger with a breakpoint. BAPI_ADDITIONAL_PROCESSING - I tried modifying the MARA_UEB and putting the value in BISMT. No errors or updates happened.
2. Enhancement MGV00003 - EXIT_SAPLMV01_003. Tried adding a record to t_clientext and t_clientextx, but that didn't update. No errors or updates happened.
Any other ideas to try? I am open to a new segment or updating the BISMT field.
2023 Dec 15 1:51 PM
2023 Dec 15 1:55 PM
MGV00001 is for non retail....However, I did just find that you can change table VWRF_LOGSYS_CUST to send the idoc as a MATMAS instead of an ARTMAS. I already had the code for the MATMAS done, so changing this table allowed the code to flow correctly.