2006 May 30 2:33 PM
we have added some fields to MARC with append structure.
not yet transported to Quality.
after my structure someother structure is there which is already transported to quality. so when i transport mine SAP has to rearrange the fields.
what are the implicaitons of not having my fields at the end?
if now we want to have our fields at the end by choosing someother name for the structure, how to delete?
2006 May 30 2:44 PM
if you want to delete the structure then you can delete the Structure from SE11 and add it again, and then Adjust the Database. and using the Database Utility from menu Utilities.
2006 May 30 2:37 PM
2006 May 30 2:39 PM
i dont know what SE14 is.
anyway, is it an advantage having the structure at the end?
if not, then how can i delete the existing from MARC ?
2006 May 30 2:40 PM
2006 May 30 2:42 PM
2006 May 30 2:38 PM
Hi you can contact the basis team to synchronize the request that has been already sent to quality to same in the development and then you have to redo the changes this is the general procedure that is followed.
Before doing this you have to take the permission from the TL.
2006 May 30 2:44 PM
if you want to delete the structure then you can delete the Structure from SE11 and add it again, and then Adjust the Database. and using the Database Utility from menu Utilities.
2006 May 30 3:09 PM
so now if i delete the appended structure, i will just activate the table.
i dont have to go to SE14. will system adjust and activate it when i transport?
2006 May 30 3:12 PM
2006 May 30 3:24 PM
No , it is Must once you change any thing to DB , so try to Adjust the DB and Activate to make it Active.
in se11 itself you can ADjust the DB.
from menu Utilities->Data base Utility-> Activate and Adjust the Data Base
this will Do.
then Activate your Table.