2023 Jul 19 9:42 AM
i am trying to build a new internal table by adding new field into it because standard table doesn't exist.
SELECT * FROM aufm INTO TABLE @DATA(it_aufm) WHERE aufnr = @wa_mseg-aufnr AND werks = @wa_mseg-werks.ENDLOOP.
but work area wa_it_aufm doesn't recognize these fields.
Please help.
SPAN { font-family: "Courier New"; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000; background: #FFFFFF; }.L0S31 { font-style: italic; color: #808080; }.L0S32 { color: #3399FF; }.L0S33 { color: #4DA619; }.L0S52 { color: #0000FF; }.L0S55 { color: #800080; }.L0S70 { color: #808080; }
2023 Jul 19 10:03 AM
BEGIN OF zitab_aufm,
aufm TYPE aufm,
zperiod TYPE mseg-gjahr,
END OF zitab_aufm.
DATA: s_itab_aufm TYPE zitab_aufm.
WRITE s_itab_aufm-aufm-shkzg.
2023 Jul 19 9:58 AM
Hi ratana.pouy,
There is an issue with the way you defined the complex type. Try to define it this way:
types: begin of zitab_aufm.
include type aufm.
types: zperiod type mseg-gjahr.
types end of zitab_aufm.<br>
To access the variant SHKZG in your current code, you need to reference it as wa_it_aufm-include-shkzg (because of the way you defined the complex type).
2023 Jul 19 10:03 AM
BEGIN OF zitab_aufm,
aufm TYPE aufm,
zperiod TYPE mseg-gjahr,
END OF zitab_aufm.
DATA: s_itab_aufm TYPE zitab_aufm.
WRITE s_itab_aufm-aufm-shkzg.
2023 Jul 19 10:17 AM
See the color of "include" which is black instead of blue.
black means a component named "include". Blue would mean that it's the ABAP statement INCLUDE TYPE.
Obviously, the comma above must be replaced with a dot.
Avoid using INCLUDE TYPE wherever possible (see Thorsten solution).
2023 Jul 19 10:21 AM
Do use the CODE button in the editor, it makes things so much easier for everyone else.
SELECT * FROM aufm INTO TABLE @DATA(it_aufm) WHERE aufnr = @wa_mseg-aufnr AND werks = @wa_mseg-werks.
TYPES: BEGIN OF zitab_aufm,
include TYPE aufm,
zperiod TYPE mseg-gjahr.
TYPES END OF zitab_aufm.
DATA: final_it_aufm TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zitab_aufm, " Goods movements for order
temp_it_aufm TYPE zitab_aufm, " Goods movements for order
wa_it_aufm TYPE zitab_aufm.
"Built internal table
LOOP AT it_aufm into wa_it_aufm.
CASE wa_it_aufm-shkzg.
wa_it_aufm-dmbtr = wa_it_aufm-dmbtr * -1.
wa_it_aufm-menge = wa_it_aufm-menge * -1.
wa_it_aufm-erfmg = wa_it_aufm-erfmg * -1.
MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_it_aufm TO temp_it_aufm.
APPEND temp_it_aufm TO final_it_aufm.
You've defined a field in your type with the name "INCLUDE" which has as its components the fields of AUFM.
You've clearly done a pretty print, and include is lower case. That should be a clue that you've done something wrong.