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API extracting message details in message board

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  • SAP Managed Tags:

Hello. We found out the API meeting below requirement. We have reviewed list of all the REST APIs and read all description referring to Ariba list page. But cannot find out the proper API.


We consider about using message board in sourcing project as described below.

①User A sends message in outlook by using workspace e-mail address. User adds other user as C.C. in outlook and sends to workspace message board. And the e-mail will be piled up in message board.

②We want to extract message piled up in message board board including title, sender, C.C. user and attachment and transfer message extracted message detail to other system. - We thought 3rd party system "Mendix".)


①Is there any API (REST, SOAP Both of them will be OK) to extract piled message in message board of sourcing project including message title, sender attachment and C.C User?

②If not, is there anyone to have experience to extract message details and transfer them to other system? please share your experience.

Thank you.