2023 Mar 15 7:18 AM
This program will take 15 to 20 min for execution. how to compress its execution time from 15 min to 1min.
Thanks in advance
2023 Mar 15 7:22 AM
Run your program using transaction SAT (with less data), and check what is consuming too much time
2023 Mar 15 7:42 AM
2023 Mar 15 11:40 AM
Try Below . Write delete code outside the loop.
DELETE it_final WHERE zsn_bcn_pror = 0. "Write this line outside the loop.
LOOP AT it_final assigning field-symbol(<lfa_final>).
lvzgrade = <lfa_final>-zgrade+1(3).
input = <lfa_final>-zsn_bcn_pror
output = <lfa_final>-zsn_bcn_pror.
CONCATENATE <lfa_final>-zsn_bcn_pror lvzgrade INTO wa_final-lv_batch.
2023 Mar 15 12:11 PM
What is this code ? what is the link with the subject ? do you know the code Ritika used ? What is the link between field exit and performance ?
2023 Mar 16 5:57 AM
Yes, She does added the code, please check the Attached Txt file.
2023 Mar 16 8:57 AM
One obvious gain is that wherever your use READ TABLE, define that internal table as HASHED with a unique key of the field you are reading on. If the values are not unique, you can use a SORTED table with a non-unique key.
At the moment all your internal tables are STANDARD, meaning reads are sequential; as data volumes increase your program will get slower and slower.
You may also benefit from secondary keys on your internal table definitions.
2023 Mar 16 4:50 PM
It's impossible to know what the issue is as nobody has access to your system. You need to learn how to analyze by yourself (SAT, SQL trace). Better ask a question how to use SAT.