2023 May 24 10:09 AM
Given an ALV table with a NUMC column, it is possible to enter a text value there (say, 'test'), but a pop-up error message will be shown.
Is it possible to intervene programmatically (data_changed?), replace 'test' with '123' and have ALV validate the input once again? For the user it should look like:
- enter 'test' into the NUMC column
- press ENTER
- '123' is displayed instead, the input is valid
2023 May 24 12:14 PM
It's technically impossible to type alphabet characters if the field is of type NUMC...
EDIT: sorry, my bad, weird but true. Example with table SFLIGHT, field CONNID:
2023 May 24 6:05 PM
You can change the value via the event DATA_CHANGED (via the method MODIFY_CELL of the event parameter ER_DATA_CHANGED), but it won't go through the ALV validation again, I guess. Why do you want to validate it again if you pass a valid value?