2007 Sep 13 4:56 PM
I need help with my ALV implementation. The ALV displays fine but when I try to view it in Excel, by clicking on the icon, I get blank pages. Does anybody have any ideas? Below is the code that I am using to display the ALV.
FORM display_alv .
DATA: gr_alv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table,
gr_func TYPE REF TO cl_salv_functions,
gr_columns TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns_table,
gr_column TYPE REF TO cl_salv_column_table,
gr_error TYPE REF TO cx_salv_error.
CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory
r_salv_table = gr_alv
t_table = it_table.
CATCH cx_salv_msg INTO gr_error.
gr_func = gr_alv->get_functions( ).
gr_func->set_all( abap_true ).
gr_alv->display( ).
ENDFORM. " display_alv
2007 Sep 13 7:08 PM
have a look at this forum thread:
(here you´ll find a nice example by Rich Heilman).
Best regards.