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ALV Grid printing issue

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello All,

I am using REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY to display my list. It shows up good. But when I try to print it. It does not print anything. The print out is bunch of symbols and different characters.

Any ideas on how to fix this issue. Thanks for your help in advanced!


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Is your printer configured to print from SAP. If so try printing any other report and check whether it prints properly.

After giving the print go to SP01 tcode and see the print preview. Try to change the printer and check the format.

Hope it helps.



Former Member
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thanks for the reply. Yes I can print other report. Is there any settings I need to do in the program? I am new to ABAP, so do not know much. One thing I noticed that when I display my report, it does not show printer icon on the bar where we have other icons (sort, find, etc).

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advanced.

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Anyone can guide me on this...where to start digging for the solution....


0 Kudos


You mentioned that you were able to print it but with some symbols. Now you say there is no print button.

Here is my explanation

Just check in the code..

For eg:-

SET PF-STATUS ZSTANDARD. when you double click on the zstandard you go to the interface of the program. Where you have all the sort, search buttons. if u want to add a print button. You can add it there.

Activate your interface again..

If you are pressing the print button on the top. Can you check in the spool SP01 tcode. See the print preview. Does it show the print preview properly.

Check with the tcode ABAPDOCU and see examples.

Hope it helps.



Active Contributor
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Check your output length and the printer settings that you are trying to print.

Try to use windows default printer and your output length should be less than or equal to 255 chars.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello ,

thanks for the help. I can see the printer icon on the application tool bar, but there is no printer icon on the alv tool bar. So I tried to print using the application tool bar printer icon before.

Well I will try to look for the solution, and if I could find something I will update here.

Note : The report I am looking at, has no pf-status.

Thanks again.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello All,

I am still not able to print the report. I can see the print preview when I click on the alv tool bar preview btn. Everything comes up fine...but when I try to print...I am getting all these symbols and little tiny faces. I also tried printing my test report which gets print out fine.

I also tried to maximize the line size...but I know this is not the issue...since report rows are only 170 char's wide.

Any help on this issue. Is there any setting I need to change to correct this issue. Any ideas would be great....Thanks for great help in advanced!

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Everyone,

Any ideas on this issue.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello All,

I found a partial solution to it. The trick was setting up the format for my printer. Since my alv has more than 500 chars(columns) and printer takes only 255. So I needed to set my format to x_65_255 and than it print out the list...but data was truncated after char 255.

Thanks for all the help!