2005 Sep 20 9:34 AM
Hi All,
I am using 'reuse_alv_events_get' for capturing the events of the ALV GRID. I am modifying the event END_OF_PAGE in the internal table retrived (say i_events of parameter et_events) with a subroutine name 'SUB_ENDOFPAGE'. I am passing this i_events to it_events of 'reuse_alv_grid_display.
I am checking in debugging mode. The cursor goes to the subroutine SUB_ENDOFPAGE - (in which I am using 'reuse_alv_commentary_write' into which I pass an internal table that is requierd to be printed in the end of page). But nothing is printed wrt end of page in grid display.
Should there be some specific indicator to the list/grid stating teh no. of lines per page to trigger the end_of_ page event. Is so how?? Else what is the problem??
Advance Thanks
2005 Sep 20 9:49 AM
Did you check the output by taking printouts?
Check this link.It can help you.
Kindly reward points by clicking the star on the left of reply,if you find it as useful.
2005 Sep 20 9:43 AM
2005 Sep 20 9:47 AM
Hi Max,
Ok, I will try for ALV LIST. But how to indicate where to trigger the end_of_page ??
2005 Sep 20 9:49 AM
Did you check the output by taking printouts?
Check this link.It can help you.
Kindly reward points by clicking the star on the left of reply,if you find it as useful.
2005 Sep 20 9:59 AM
Thanks for the link. That was nice information. I dint activate the is_print parameter. But the form name (subroutine) for END_OF_PAGE was not being reached by cursor. Anyway, I will check out with print outs and activating is_print. Hope they get triggered.
Thanks & Regards
2005 Sep 20 10:04 AM
Hi aadarsh,
below links might help you.
no need of saying thanks.
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2005 Sep 20 10:46 AM
Hi Venu,
I always reward points. But after I go through teh links and implement in my code.
Tell me how to close the thread??
2005 Sep 20 10:58 AM
Hi aadarsh,
for everyhelpfull answer reward points and if your thread is solved just close by clicking solved problem.
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