2009 Jun 11 9:27 AM
Hello i wan't to put a column of an alv in non editable state depending a value introduced in another column. I have done it adding the cellstyles table to the internal table shown in the alv.
This is working fine, but in my alv i have the possibility of adding new lines and here is where i'm having trouble. When i add my first line and i introduce the value that must make another column non editable it works, but when i try to add a new line, the first row i addes loses it state and its shown editable.
Any idea?
2009 Jun 11 9:30 AM
2009 Jun 11 9:35 AM
Yes, the problem is that i don't know why the info relative cellstyles of the 'old' line dissapears.
2009 Jun 11 9:38 AM
Are you usinge a common perform? Maybe you have a clear or a refresh that clear them.
Can you post the piece of code where you add the new line with the filling of cellstyles?
Btw, you can always do a loop on your output table and re-fill the cellstyles for all the rows (new and old).
2009 Jun 11 10:01 AM
here is my code:
FORM f_handle_data_changed
USING pi_data TYPE REF TO cl_alv_changed_data_protocol.
DATA: ls_modi TYPE lvc_s_modi.
<fs> TYPE ty_co04_0019.
SORT pi_data->mt_mod_cells BY row_id .
LOOP AT pi_data->mt_mod_cells INTO ls_modi.
READ TABLE i_planifci ASSIGNING <fs> INDEX ls_modi-row_id.
ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_modi-fieldname OF STRUCTURE <fs>
TO <fs_value>.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
<fs_value> = ls_modi-value.
UNASSIGN <fs_value>.
IF ls_modi-fieldname = 'TIPO_PLAN'.
cambiar la editabilidad de las columnas en base al valor del tipo 1
READ TABLE i_planifci INTO w_planifci INDEX ls_modi-row_id.
PERFORM f_hacer_no_editables USING ls_modi-row_id
MODIFY i_planifci INDEX ls_modi-row_id FROM <fs>.
PERFORM f_refresh_table_display USING v_grid.
is it possible to loss the info of the cellstyles table cos i'm doing it on the handle_data_changed
2009 Jun 11 11:09 AM
Sine you are using in the perform of data change so, next time when you come and and a add a new line it will contain the field ''TIPO_PLAN' also... The if condition is again satisfied so it clears and becomes editable. put this out of this perform and i think it will work...