2016 Jan 22 1:26 PM
Hello everyone,
as with ADT 2.51 for NW 7.50 great functions were added and I cant wait to try them, but I'm still missing in the Outline of a class an Inheritance Tree as in SE80 or similar to the Java perspective, not to say that in the form based class definition the inherited elements are visually highlighted.
There I can see which super class is implemented, which methods were redefined or which methods of an Interface were implemented.
The overall big picture is missing.
Of course, I can find these information's over type hierarhy, trough the F2 element description and so on, but in my opinion I see this as an overhead.
Is or will such a feature considered?
2016 Jan 25 11:02 AM
Hi Attila,
I totally agree that the visualization of inherited components is missing in eclipse. We have it in our backlog but not as highest prio. Outline View is a critical component concering performance. Therefore it will not be an easy task to integrate the informatrion in the outline view. By the way do you know the quick outline CTRL-O where it is possible to display the inherited components already?
2016 Jan 25 11:02 AM
Hi Attila,
I totally agree that the visualization of inherited components is missing in eclipse. We have it in our backlog but not as highest prio. Outline View is a critical component concering performance. Therefore it will not be an easy task to integrate the informatrion in the outline view. By the way do you know the quick outline CTRL-O where it is possible to display the inherited components already?
2016 Jan 25 11:42 AM
Hi Thomas,
thanks for the hint
until the Outline View will support this feature somewhere in the (near?) future, I'm happy with this shortcut too, as long as I can quickly see what's to implement .
Here comes the problem though, that the quick outline supports only navigation to the selected item and no implied help for an automated implementation of an inherited method.
As the auto-completion already provide this information, I think I can leave with this.
2024 Feb 23 1:37 PM
(8 years later) I spent some time trying to figure out why "me" was pointing to my class in a method I could not see, only to discover that the tree view ignores inheritance. Thanks to the good old SAP GUI I could see the full structure.
"Not as highest prio" interpreted by Jim Carrey 😉