2023 Oct 19 12:07 PM
What is the requirements for a system to ADT debugger allow sorting/true filtering internal tables inspected on debugger? Whatever column I click to sort I get message "Sorting not support by system <SID>" displayed near filter input.
Filter also won't work as expected, it just highlights matched entries. Message "Filter not supported by system <SID> also appears next to filter input.
I didn't find any matrix of ADT features available by backend components version (this really should be a limitation? Can't be implemented in a broad way/downported?)
Kernel 754 PL 100
2023 Oct 19 5:54 PM
The available functionality in ADT depends on your backend version (SAP_BASIS version). I am not sure when this feature started working but on 750 it is still not available. So some S/4HANA release is needed.
Generally please have a look at the feature matrix provided by thomasfiedler : https://blogs.sap.com/2013/06/05/adt-feature-availability-matrix-for-as-abap-releases/
2023 Oct 19 6:42 PM
(S/4HANA or any other ABAP-based software, only SAP_BASIS version is important)
2023 Oct 20 9:44 AM
@ sandra.rossi Exactly. Else we couldn't use ADT with a BW/4HANA!
2023 Oct 24 12:46 PM
Hello Thales,
the sort & filter feature was released in the year 2017 (= SAP_BASIS 7.52). It cannot be downported to SAP_BASIS versions below 7.52.
Best regards,
Edit: Existing work arounds are
- either use the SAP GUI Debugger
- or use the ADT export function (disk symbol on the top right of the itab view) and then open the exported file with a third party tool like Excel