2009 Nov 13 11:55 AM
Can I fill the entries for field USR00 in table VZSORT by a report program using INSERT , UPDATE or MODIFY statements.
Kindly help.
2009 Nov 13 12:07 PM
Yes, You can.
Type the Insert in ABAP Editor... and check the ABAP documentation.
You are not supposed to ask this basic question in forumns.
2009 Nov 13 12:43 PM
Hi Abdul,
Just a sample code snippet for your reference :-
TABLES : vzsort.
DATA : BEGIN OF t_vzsort.
DATA : END OF t_vzsort.
DATA : it_usr00 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF vzsort,
wa_usr00 LIKE LINE OF it_usr00.
wa_usr00-snumobj = 'Your Value'.
wa_usr00-sobjekt = 'Your Value'.
wa_usr00-usr00 = 'Your Value'.
APPEND wa_usr00 TO it_usr00.
wa_usr00-snumobj = 'Your Value' .
wa_usr00-sobjekt = 'Your Value'.
wa_usr00-usr00 = 'Your Value'.
APPEND wa_usr00 TO it_usr00.
wa_usr00-snumobj = 'Your Value'.
wa_usr00-sobjekt = 'Your Value'.
wa_usr00-usr00 = 'Your Value'.
APPEND wa_usr00 TO it_usr00.
MODIFY vzsort FROM TABLE it_usr00.
Please set to resolve if it helps you.
2009 Nov 16 11:05 AM
> Hi,
> Can I fill the entries for field USR00 in table VZSORT by a report program using INSERT , UPDATE or MODIFY statements.
> Kindly help.
Well I woudn't, unless I had assurance from someone in SAP (in writing) that doing this wouldn't mess up my data. The standard practice is that if you need to update SAP standard tables you should always use a method of doing this provided by SAP - a BAPI, function module, or in the last resort a BDC.