2008 Nov 04 6:37 AM
Hello everybody ,
In tocde OBBH their is substiution rule , normally we used standard EXIT in their , but my requriment is that i have to add my own customised EXIT over their , I don't know how to add it please help me regarding that
2008 Nov 04 6:42 AM
what do you mean by ......
i have to add my own customised EXIT ???
Do you want to create your own EXIT !! ??
Please be specific...
what is your exact requirment ??
2008 Nov 04 6:46 AM
in tcode OBBH Function people used substitution rule they use EXIT over their which are the standard EXIT .
Now our requriment is that to create customised EXIT ,
so please help me out
2008 Nov 04 7:59 AM
i have followed the following thing for adding customer exit to the application area 'Val/sub:Exits for substitution'.i hope the same will work for 'val/sub:Exit for rules' also. Try it.
To add customer exit for substitution rule do the following,
1.Goto Tcode SM30, give V_T80D as the value for the input field Table/view and press Display button.It will display some values from there copy the program name whose application area(third column) is 'val/sub:Exit for rules'.
2.Make a Zcopy of that module pool program which you get in previuous step.This program have all the standard exit for
subtitution rule.To add your own customer exit open you zcopy program in change mode do the following two things,
i).Create a subroutine with syntax same as the
last routine, i mean copy the last routine and paste it after the last statement and just change the routine name only.
ii).There is routine with the name 'get_exit_titles' go there and paste the following code after the last append statment of that routine.
exits-name = 'UM001'.
exits-param = c_exit_param_class.
exits-title = text-103.
APPEND exits.
in the above statemt just change the value of exits-name with the name of the routine you created i.e, chaneg 'UM001' with your routine name.Save and activate the program.
3.After that goto the view V_T80D and change the program which you copy in step 1 to your zcopy program name and save the entries.
now you can see your exit for doing code.
With Regards,
2009 Jan 15 4:02 AM