2010 Dec 06 6:58 AM
I want to add some code in USER EXIST,
the include program : RV60BFZA , is a include program which is use in Function Pool program SAPLV60B
now in RV60BFZA there are many usereixt and in user exist
FORM userexit_fill_xkomk1.
I want to add code rule_new_cancel = 'A'.
will you please giude how to add this code in the user exist, I have never work on uer exist.
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Edited by: kishan P on Dec 6, 2010 1:52 PM
2010 Dec 06 7:25 AM
Hi ,
Implement Implicit enhancement in that subroutine,so that u can add your code.
Click on Enhance button in Application toolbar, then Edit -> Enhancement operations -> Show Implicit enhancement options.Now it will the Yellow lines in the start and end of subroutines. Here right click on the yellow line in the subroutine where you want to write , then create Implementation.
2010 Dec 06 8:05 AM
Hi Ashok,
Thanks for your reply,
I follow the stpes given by you when I click on create enhancement it is giving a pop up box for selection of DECLARATION or Code then I click on code then again it is displaying on epop for the selection of enhancement implementation and Pack, now there are many pack in this, so what to select and proceed, what is effect of this.
2010 Dec 06 8:10 AM
The include RV60BFZA is for insert an own code, so you don't need to create an enhancement for it, but only to get the access key by OSS.
2010 Dec 06 8:14 AM
In that popup, you need to press create button at the bottom. Now you can create z-enhancement implementation.