2010 Feb 05 5:30 AM
I am creating a Transfer Order using the FM 'L_TO_CREATE_MULTIPLE', but, the TO created does not appear in the document flow of the delivery as there seems to be no parameter pertaining to Delivery in the FM.
The requirement is such that we cannot use the FM 'L_TO_CREATE_DN'.
Please let me know if there is any FM or anything else to add the TO to the document flow of the delivery.
2010 Feb 05 3:57 PM
Hi ppl,
I tried the FMs 'RV_DOCUMENT_FLOW_ADD' and 'SHP_DELIVERY_DOCFLOW_UPDATE', but, none of these look promising.
Please let me know if there is any feasible solution for this requirement.
2010 Feb 05 4:08 PM
2010 Feb 08 7:19 AM
Hi Pawan,
Thanks for the reply, but there is no such FM in SAP version 4.6c
Hi ppl,
Please let me know if there is any other logic I can use to achieve this functionality.